NEW:  Switlana's wonderous stories
(one each day)

Stay in touch because soon there will be more news about Switlana's ongoing project 'Finding Happiness' !!!

Rating: 5 sterren
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Where the giant's foot stepped.

One day in winter, in the Kingdom where once Giants lived, Fidget woke up. She was ready for another mysterious journey. She sipped a cup of herbal tea and thought for a while. Then she smiled as she just had another bright idea: she decided to go into the Magical Forest and follow the Giant's footsteps as nobody ever did this before. So nobody knew where those footsteps would lead to. Fidget had plenty of time so nothing could stop her now.

She embarked on a long journey. All the way friends and other people told her to stop as the footsteps went on and on in a seemingly endless way. But Fidget was brave and stubborn; she kept going. And finally after two weeks of walking she reached the end of the steps, where the ruins of a mighty castle stood. The doors and windows made it clear that this was once the home of fierce Giants. Now it was a collection of huge walls, covered by weeds and flowers.

She enjoyed walking around and imagined all kind of stories that might have gone on in this castle. Visiting those place creates miracles. When Fidget touched the walls, built centuries ago, she felt the current, jolting from her feet to her.  That was a lot of energy piercing like lightning, but also refreshing her body and mind.  Eventually she sat down in peace and harmony with the castle and  nature.

And there and then she knew she would get a lot of new inspirations for other journeys and stories to tell.

To be continued

Switlana Pidlaska







About Luxembourg

I fell in love with Luxembourg at first sight. This is my third love after Switzerland and Italy. I'll tell you honestly, before the end of my journey on this wonderful planet Earth, I want to have the time to explore at least half of it. That is, I will either live a long time or in a short time I will organize a trip around the world.
I have not been to the Scandinavian countries yet, and I also really want to go to Asia, Australia and the American Continents. You know, it is easier to study geography this way.

In short, I stopped planning for some time, a few years ago, but it wasn't always like that, before I didn't really understand how it was possible to live like that. Now I can say with confidence, it is possible. In this world and life everything is possible. It all depends on how much you allow yourself, how much time you devote to your needs or to the needs of others. Likz children, grandchildren, relatives, they will help themselves perfectly, they have their own life, their purpose, their needs, their values, their beliefs, they may even differ from yours, they set their own rules and their life.

Some people value traveling, some people value renovating their apartment, and some people value building a house, and everyone has their own right. And I don't have a house so I often ask myself the following question: should I save up for a house or live my life in a rented one?

This is also a choice and TRUST. Trust in yourself and your capabilities. You can save your whole life and then one day you will leave everything behind, or maybe someone will be able to take it with them. Some say, well it is necessary to leave a house for your kids. But are you sure that your children will want to live with you and in your homes at all, maybe they have a different purpose and in another country, you didn't think about it?

So why waste your life and health investing for something unsure? And for children to feed their old age on your exhausted bodies, which constantly press on your sense of guilt, saying: "I raised you, I tried for your good." No one tries for anyone, everyone does it because it is so profitable, to make a victim out of themselves. And then someone will feel sorry and everyone will sit in their swamps like hippos. In a word, we are all different and unique.

Oh, I got carried away a little. I wanted to talk about Luxembourg, about my third love.

In Luxembourg, when I checked into a hotel, fortunately there was a Russian-speaking girl working, just for people like me. When they ask me why after so many years of living in Belgium I still haven't learned French, I actually always answer that my world takes care of me. Here is an example of why I chose this particular hotel, not by chance, because there was a girl working there who told me everything in a language I could understand. We chatted for a while, of course I shared my life secrets, she was very pleased with our communication, and so was I. And this is how it always happens, because I don't get stuck or get nervous for any reason, I know a few phrases in French and believe me, that's enough for me. On the other hand, I know brilliant people who are fluent in many foreign languages ​​and constantly have complexes, considering themselves imperfect.

Well, actually my first phrase in the hotel, when I heard the language available to me, was: how lucky you are to live in such a wonderful country and such a charming town surrounded by beautiful hills, to which the answer was that, wherever you live, you have to work, there is no time to visit all this, which once again proves the fact that people devote so much time to work and do not have time to visit beautiful places.

And I understood her very much because I was like that myself. When my partner first arrived in Warsaw and asked me about interesting places, architectural landmarks, museums, I was a little embarrassed, I did not know, because I really had been so busy that there was no time to visit.

But here I was, in the city of Clairvaux, which is very popular among tourists. Its main attractions are the Abbey of Saint-Maurice and Saint-Maur, founded in 1910 by Benedictines from the Solesmes congregation, as well as its medieval castle of the 12th century, beautifully restored in the 17th century, which houses the famous photo exhibition "The Family of Man" by Edward Steichen, an American photographer born in Luxembourg.

I haven't been to the castle, I'll visit it next time. I'll definitely go there. It seems that these people don't have a very big imagination, why is the name of the country and the capital the same? Luxembourg! Maybe someone of you knows? Let me know!

Switlana Pidlaska


What is love

The wisest writer of the world was a woman and journalists asked her once if she could define love. She thought for a while and then spoke:

“I can't say what love is, but I know how to show it to myself and everyone around me. It is the most powerful force in the world, and also the most effective medicine.  If you are often ill, there is your ready-made recipe! This is the most expensive recipe in the world, which is worth devoting a lot of time and energy to learn. And energy, as you know, is priceless, it is the most expensive thing we have!

You don’t need Valentines Day. Love needs to be felt, it needs to be shown, it is also given to each other every day, every minute. It should be shown regardless of when you are told about it. Love is yours, and not tied to society, a holiday or whatever external circumstances.

I particularly liked how Osho writes about love:

"You ask about love? But you haven't even entered your own temple! You don't know who you are at all and you ask about love. First be yourself, first know yourself and love will come as a reward. This is a reward from beyond. It pours on you like flowers, filling your being. And it continues to pour on you, bringing a huge desire to share. And this desire to share can only be labelled in human language as "love". It doesn't say much, but it points in the right direction.”

Love is a shadow of vigilance, awareness.

Love is a meeting of two souls, not to be mixed up with sex which is only a meeting of two bodies. So if you don't know that you are a soul, you won't be able to understand what love is.

Love, love each other, regardless of the circumstances, the situations you are in now, the colour of your skin or nationality, and you will have both happiness and love.”
Wise words indeed!

Switlana Pidlaska






A tale of restlessness.

Fidget was a restless girl; she can't sit still in the same space. This the morning she woke up around 10 a.m. as if nothing had happened and wondered what she should do as today is Sunday. While she was eating breakfast, a good idea came into her mind. She should go to Luxembourg, to visit the Vianden Castle.

She really like castles, and to touch the walls of history, to feel its magic and power. It's just that she can imagine how many years it has stood still to surprise visitors today. The weather was good, even the sun shone brightly, which is rare in this winter. The of the land where Fidget lived is probably not very good, because he doesn't deserve the sun, he likes to live in his darkness and darken the minds of all people.

So, having gathered her things Fidget set off on a journey to the castle. The road was full of adventures: she met cheerful birds that sang songs about freedom, and small animals that played in the grass, everywhere she stopped the car to rest for a while. She also saw lovely panorama’s of hills and rivers.

When she finally reached the city of Vianden, she parked the car and was immediately captivated by the grandeur of the place. The castle rose on a small hill above the  trees, and its walls told stories of knights, princesses, and ancient battles. Fidget touched the stone and felt the past come alive in her heart.

Then she knew that this place was not only full of memories, but also full hope so she decided that for the sake of future generations, it was necessary to preserve this beauty and the fight against the darkness that the king had brought. And so, with new dreams in her heart, Fidget knew she would be able to return home, ready to share a new story with all of you, beautiful readers.

But first sje will have a lovely sleep in a nice hotel, so tomorrow after breakfast a new adventure might happen!

Switlana Pidlaska


Take me to the moon

Since I have been living by the lunar calendar for a long time, today I will write about the full moon;  the time in the middle of the lunar cycle, when it is worth completing tasks, projects, summarizing achievements and conducting a good practice of forgiveness and gratitude. Fasting is also recommended, especially for those who, like me, have overexcited emotions. This helps to put everything in its place. Because we start on the New Moon, which will take place on 02/28/2025. But that's food for another story.

Today’s full moon is special, mystical and the last of its kind of this winter! It is not just an astronomical phenomenon, but also a powerful stage for personal growth and transformation. Use the energy of this day to rethink your goals, connections and desires. This is a time for bold changes and acceptance of yourself in all your greatness. Don’t be afraid to explore new possibilities and pursue your dreams, as the Leo-energy that dominates today will emphasize themes of creativity, self-expression, love, and personal pride.

Leo is a fire sign that brings energy and dynamism that can inspire new beginnings. The full moon in Leo encourages us to focus on our own desires and aspirations for self-expression and happiness, as well as how we want to be perceived by others.

Moreover, this full moon promises to be very special from a magical point of view, as it not only illuminates the darkness, but also reveals hidden aspects of our lives. In astrology, full moons are often associated with the completion of cycles, summaries, and emotional cleansing. This particular full moon can be a catalyst for profound transformations.

Beware, as the energy on this day can be extremely powerful. It can release pent-up emotions, fears, and doubts, and old resentments or unfinished business may surface. This can be a time of purification, when you can free yourself from what no longer serves you. Listen to your intuition and do not be afraid to express your emotions, this is especially important for us women, since the moon is a feminine planet.

This is a good time for meditation, as in silence you can hear your true desires and needs.

On the other hand the full moon can reveal weaknesses in relationships. If you feel that your relationships no longer bring joy or development, this can be a signal to rethink them and end them. Often at such moments we can realize that some connections no longer serve us or have become toxic. It is important to be honest with yourself and your partners, because it is at such moments that important conversations can arise that lead to purification and a new beginning.

Finally, on the day of the full moon, it is advisable to conduct purification rituals. This can be bathing with salt, smoking aromatic herbs or writing all negative thoughts and emotions on paper and then burning them. Such practices help to free up space for new energies and ideas.

Light the candles, focus on your desires and visualize them.

And you will have happiness, health and abundance.

Switlana Pidlaska

Today no story from Switlana but from a guest.

Because of love

Here is the story about a lost poetic soul who met a beautiful and wise writer. She told him everything about life and beyond and showed him sunrises and sunsets on every occasion.

So the soul and the writer started a journey together on calm seas and rough oceans, through grass fields and haunting forests, in sunshine and pouring rain, through clouds and snowflakes, but always close and helping each other out.

The writer taught the poet all the secrets about the chakra’s: three upper ones, the connecting middle one and three lower versions. The poet learned that most of the humans on earth, through education, politics, ideologies, work and daily life, are manipulated into staying in the lower chakra’s. While some very spiritual individuals make it to the upper three. And sometimes, there are free spirits who know that above the 8 earthly chakras there are dozens and maybe zillions more chakra’s, which can only be reached if you have reached the 8th on in your life.

Unfortunately as most earthlings don’t learn about that, they will stay dwelling around the lower ones, sometimes reaching the centre, but rarely manage to go above that.

Luckily there is a way out: you only have to become aware of the systems that hold you back: once you know this, you can cut the ties and fly up in absolute freedom. This might be the difficult part, but you can do this!

What happened to the lost soul? Well he is on his way to total freedom, guided by his unconditional love for the writer.  However, it’s not an easy  love as the writer has lost a piece of her heart along the journey the day she lost one of her children. And the poet knows he will never be able to repair her heart. But instead of giving up, every single day he gets up and tries again. And he will do the same, till the end of days, no matter what happens. Because of love.

 Dandy Libanese


Today, on this mildly snowy day, I suddenly remembered my trip to the mountains of Zakopane, almost a year ago. Without any training and preparation, I wanted to walk and climb to a height of 1800m. Such was the promise to myself and well, once I gave my promise, I knew nothing would stop me.

I barely managed the trip, especially as emotions were off scale, with joy and pride. The energy was simply incredible, I don't know at what frequencies I was vibrating at, but as my brilliant and wise partner sometimes reminds me, wherever you go, always remember that you have to come back. So every distance has to bee doubled!

But me, once I set a goal I don't see any obstacles. Well, if it had been full summer and a little warmer, I would definitely have stayed there and spend the night. But unfortunately it was still spring and chilly; moreover it started to rain so eventually I had to go back. From that trip I have learned that descending a mountain is much harder than climbing it.

I slowly started heading down, fell, got up, and went on. I got wet to my underwear, in the literal sense of the word. At an altitude of 1600m there was a coffee shop! I felt so lucky! I went in to rest, had a snack, drank some hot tea and then went on because I had to catch the last bus. But be assured, next time I’ll go by car!

The lower I went, the more tired and strained my legs felt, they trembled and gave way, I thought only about one thing, how I would get up in the morning and whether I would get up at all, since it was the last night at my hotel and the next day there were no places left. And here the thoughts started swirling in my head. Which once again proves the fact how important it is to learn to stop those swirls in your head in time!

And I thought that when I arrived at the hotel, I would immediately warn everyone at the reception that if I didn't get up, they should help me get to the car, take out my things and tell the whole story that happened to me.

And then I realized that my brain is so smart and is imposing something completely off topic on me and I said STOP. I decided differently and during the whole way, riding the bus, which I barely managed to catch, I repeated this affirmation: “My legs will regenerate quickly, I will calmly go to bed and during sleep my whole body will recovers, all processes in the body will be adjusted. My muscles, which I overloaded, also will regenerate quickly. I am healthy and happy, I set off on a new day and new adventures. My world takes care of me and gives me everything I need for my goodness and health. During sleep, my body rests and heals.”

I repeated these affirmations until I fell asleep and almost missed my stop. The driver woke me up, reminding me that I had to get out, and then.... I barely managed to get up from the chair, and just don’t know how I managed to reached the hotel, but I did!

I eventually reached my room, went to bed, repeating my favourite affirmations, though, I first smeared my feet with essential oils, I don't remember which ones, but I always have them with me.

And, oh my goodness, I woke up rested, satisfied, and went on to live my wonderful life. And now I really understand that every trip is not one way, so you do really have to double the time!

Switlana Pidlaska




Once upon a time, in a lovely country where bright flowers bloomed and trees whispered ancient secrets, lived a girl named Lana. She was known in her village for her kindness and wisdom. However, despite her beautiful nature, Lana often got sick. Each illness brought her not only physical discomfort, but also made her think about why this was happening.

One day, when Lana felt unwell again, she decided to go on a journey to an old sage who lived on the top of a high mountain. The sage, whom everyone respected for his deep knowledge of life and nature, could maybe provide answers to her questions. Having climbed the mountain, the girl found the sage sitting in meditation. When he opened his eyes, she asked: "Can you tell me why I am always sick? I try to be kind and loving, but I still feel pain."

The sage smiled and replied: "Dear Lana, illness is not just an ailment of the body. It is a reflection of your soul. When you are angry with yourself for not being able to live the way you want, or when you are offended by others for their actions, you open the door to illness. You must learn to accept yourself, your emotions, and the world around you with love and gratitude."

Lana thought hard about his words. The sage continued: "Your energy and emotional state affect your health. When you are filled with positivity, love for yourself and for nature, you create a protective shell around yourself that protects you from illness.". Now Lana understood that her illnesses were not just random coincidences. Each of them brought her benefits like an opportunity to rest, receive attention from loved ones, or simply stop and think about her life.

Returning home, Lana began to change her attitude towards herself and others. She began to respect her body, using only products that nature gave her. She learned to rejoice in the successes of others and help those who needed support. Every day her health improved, and inner peace filled her heart.

Lana became an example for everyone in her village. People gathered around her to find out how she achieved such a harmonious life. She told them about the sage and that true health begins with love for herself and respect for everyone and the world as a whole.

Since then, Lana has lived happily, thanking nature and the Universe for each new day that gave her joy and health. And although from time to time she faced difficulties, she knew that she would always be able to find the strength within herself to overcome any obstacles.

Yes, her tale has become a source of inspiration for many, because everyone can find their own path to health and happiness, if only they listen to themselves and their heart.

Switlana Pidlaska


Shrinking brains part 2

After a great school career Yvan Tchai eventually became a professor at the university, even if he always had dreamt of a career as a singer-songwriter. So one day he suddenly understood that all the freedom he had enjoyed as a child had vanished.

Indeed, parental upbringing, school, university, work, laws and regulations and a lot of useless
information had led him into adulthood which came with a lot of limitations.    Especially after he started working and raised a family. He started limiting what his children wants and did the same as his parents did to him.

So after a while he just wanted to stop this treadmill and find time to answer his main questions: Where is happiness? Why didn’t he live in the house he wanted, in the country of his dreams? Why didn’t he earn as much money as he needed? Why did most of his dreams came true in childhood but no longer during adulthood? What was he doing wrong? Why do other people realizes their talents and live with dignity and others can't?

While he spoke aloud, the magical blue bird flew into his office and gave him the right answers: “Everyone can fulfil their own dreams, they just don't know it.... They can only understand this when they expand their brain again just like when they were children and allow themselves to do whatever they want.  So, dear Yvan, allow yourself to do the same. In the times we are living right now, all dreams can come true. You just need to not limit yourself but relax and think whether what you want or do not want is yours or is it related to your parents, university, friends or society? As soon as you understand that you are the creator of your life, everything will change.”

Yvan listened to the little bird and started thinking and acting.
So what happened? Well, nowadays Yvan is in the middle of his second world wide tour as a brilliant singer.
His music lives on. What about yours?

Switlana Pidlaska & Dand Libanese



One fine morning, walking through the forest, Lana met Grandpa Burdock, who at 120 years old looked healthy and strong, his eyes shone with joy and his heart radiated love.

He asked Lana: “Hi, how are you doing? I didn’t see you for quite a while.” She answered that she was okay although very tired lately!

Grandpa grabbed some herbs out of his shoulder bag: “Here take these roots, dry them and make a tea out of them to drink in the morning, because whoever consume Burdock root will never get sick!  This is my secret so no one will write about it anywhere. The roots have also one extra magical property, it helps to hydrate the body.

“How is that?”, asked Lana

"Well, every time you will drink this tea, your body  will feel as if you had eaten some spicy or salty food. Then automatically you will start to drink more water! That's how my healing root regulates all the important processes of our body; directly and indirectly.”

Needless to say, after this day Lana became an unconditional burdock fan.

What about you?

Switlana Pidlaska


Shrinking brains

Somewhere not so long ago Wasil was born in a beautiful country. He was a very happy baby, always smiling and soon also always chattering with his parents and siblings. He learned to read very early and was always eager to learn new things by asking zillions of questions.

Soon came the Big Day: the very first school day in his life. He started this new journey as if it was a huge party. The years passed by and Wassil was always the first of his class, he studied hard and did very well on all subjects. He made a lot of friends and his parents were proud.

But nobody saw that the bright lights in his eyes became dimmer as time went by. And so when he finally became a top professor at the age of 35, he was full of knowledge but his eyes were empty. All his friends congratulated him and they often told him ‘Jee, you really have a had full of knowledge’, but in fact his brain had shrunk. Sure, it contained zillions of terrabytes of information, but in fact was all empty knowledge. Lifeless.

One day a blue bird flew into his office and sat down at his desk. Wasil was just finishing another brilliant paper about a very complicated subject. The landing of the bird confused him. He looked up from his keyboard and frowned. ‘Well, little one, what are you doing here?’ The bird answered in a high pitched voice :’I’m having a rest. I flew a long way to visit you.’

Wasil was surprised: ‘Visit me? Why?’
The bird laughed and replied: ‘Well, the whole world is talking about the you as the wisest man in the world. And yet, you are only a very bright computer as you can’t even ask the most obvious questions.’
The professor was stunned: ‘Which questions?’
Blue bird kept on laughing: ‘You are talking with a bird and you don’t even ask how come?’
Now Wassil understood. Indeed, what a very weird situation. A talking bird??? What the heck? He stood up and went to the open window: ‘You flew in here and are able to talk? Why me?’
The bird flew up and landed on the window pane: ‘You learned a tremendous amount of new things, but with every new knowledge, you forgot a part of the obvious world you totally knew when you were a child: the uniqueness of the world, of life and of you. When you were born you could talk with all the animals and that was normal. But then your education and school exchanged all this essential knowledge with useless stuff. And now, you are the expert in stuff but you forgot about life.’ In a flash of memories Wassil suddenly remembered it all. He started laughing and laughing and dancing around like a child. He was reborn.

After that day he quit the university and became the best storyteller ever. Everywhere he came, a large crowd filled the theatres to listen to his bright tales even if most of the auditors couldn’t see the little blue bird on his shoulders. But once they could, they too were free again.

Switlana Pidlaska & Dandy Libanese


The wise owl

Once upon a time there was a girl named Lana. She lived in a magnificent and peaceful  kingdom. She was always happy, because she knew that life offered her endless possibilities. Lana worked as a massage therapist, healing people's bodies and giving them a sense of harmony and peace.

However, one day, after many years of work, she realized that she wanted to change her life. She felt that she longed for new challenges and creativity. So she started to think about changes. Now she has always been a good storyteller. Her friends and clients loved hearing her stories, and eventually everyone around her started calling her "the storyteller." This nickname inspired Lana to develop a new idea: she decided to write fairy tales. Her dream was to create a series of stories that would bring joy and inspiration to others.

And so she began working on her first book, which she called "Tales from a storyteller". She filled countless pages with charming stories about heroes who overcame difficulties, found love and true happiness.

One day, when Lana was writing by the window, an old and wise owl visited her. The owl, noticing how the girl glowed with energy, asked: "Why are you so happy, my young friend?" Lana told the owl about her affirmations, her new purpose, and how she wanted to share her stories with the whole world. The owl smiled and said, "Your faith and positive thoughts are the magic that changes the world around you. Your tales will bring joy to many, and this will become a reward to you."

Lana soon published her book and it became very popular in the kingdom. People came from all over the place to hear her stories. Lana not only found a new path in life, but also secured the financial wealth she had dreamed of for so long.

She realized that some divine order supported her affairs and that love and generosity always return favours. Lana continued to write new fairy tales, and her heart was filled with gratitude. She learned that true wealth lies not only in material possessions, but also in the ability to share one's talent and inspire others.

Every day, Lana became richer ,not only financially, but also in her soul. She lived happily, creating miracles around her, and her story inspired many other people in the kingdom to believe in themselves and their dreams.

And every night, the owl stood in the tree near her house and watched her working with a big smile.

Switlana Pidlaska


Question for smart psychologists.

I always wonder if it really is possible to permanently live, think and act in an opposite way than the majority of humans.

This question did not fall out of the skies. It’s an old question. You see, when I was a child, I acted like an adult, I always frowned with a wise and serious expression on my face, because there was no time for relaxing cartoons, fairy tales and hobbies. Too much stress and demands from adults.  There was only room for on small dream, supported by my beloved class teacher, who understood me and painted my wings. But eventually stress always won.

A few years ago, I met her back in my small hometown in Ukraine and we had a great and sincere talk together. I felt such a lot of warmth, openness and sincerity from a bright and good-natured person. We reminisced a lot, talked about our lives, relationships with others and even talked about the healing power that we both possess.

But that's how I remembered it !

Now, in adulthood, I want to express my emotions like a child, to make some spontaneous and rash concessions. To live like not only your parents care about you, but the whole Universe! I’m not in a very stable life situation, because we rent a house, I don't have a job that would bring me a stable income either… On the other hand I don't suffer or worry about it at all. I just live my life and my partner idolizes me in the original sense of the word.

I don't know who else could endure such antics that I sometimes generate for him. I was already ready for anything. I even asked him to just warn me if he wanted to leave me. I even would have accepted all this with kindness and gratitude. Well, I can't hide or restrain my emotions, especially in front of my beloved partner.

That's exactly how I observe myself, as soon as I want to be so, you know, correct, ideal, I see that a man immediately changes, before my eyes. It's really like that, I'm not kidding ... He immediately suggests some work for me and can even help me draw up a plan of action, etc. And I think by myself: "Are you serious, my dear? You want to tame me and take my precious time to do something that in a moment or a few days I'll get tired of and, as always, I'll throw it all away. Because a new idea will appear or I'll want to, for example, rush somewhere because I feel such a need. And so on ??”

From a psychological point of view, I know this is a childish position.  I am well aware of this. Next question: what to do with it. Will it pass, this strange state of mind? Or am I already making some diagnosis?

Anyway, to be honest, I often feel so good, even in the absence of stability. At least not from my point of view as my partner is always satisfied with everything, he is in a ZEN position. And I can't even move him, he is unmovable, just like the sun.

And maybe this is the answer: living in an erratic state, but also having a stable place where to go, like a planet orbiting the sun, or the moon spinning madly around its planet. It looks like chaos, but in fact it’s a life of sheer beauty.

To be continued…
Switlana Pidlaska


simple life

In a distant and wonderful country, there lived a wise man named Yanechko. He had a big heart and lots of knowledge about the world and everything that surrounded him, but the more he learned, the more he felt lonely. Yanechko often watched other people, who, in his opinion, were simple and naive eccentrics. He could not understand how they could find happiness in little things, while he himself constantly felt the burden of his thoughts.

One day Yanechko set off on a journey, hoping to find answers to his questions. He travelled through mountains, forests and fields, trying to find complex answers. But the more he searched, the more confused he became. The keys to happiness, as it turned out, were always under his feet, but he could not notice them.

Somewher along the road, Yanechko met a simple girl named Lana. She loved to pick wildflowers, always smiled and enjoyed every moment of her wonderful life. Yanechko, looking at her and felt his heart fill with warmth. He asked her: "How can you be so happy when the world is full of difficulties?"

Lana smiled and replied: "The smarter a person is, the more difficult it is for him, because he ceases to understand the stupidity of others, which allows them to be easy and happy. I just enjoy the moments, not trying to complicate my life. Why not admire the beauty around, or smile at your neighbour who is walking in front of you and wish him a good day? It's simple and easy "

These words sank into Yanechko's soul. He realized that his intellect prevented him from seeing simple things and the joys of life. Hence, he decided to let go of his experiences, stopped looking for complex solutions and started appreciating simplicity.

Since then, Yanechko began to collect flowers with Lana and even believed in the healing power of herbs. He began to travel and enjoy life. He realized that wisdom lies not only in knowledge, but also in the ability to appreciate simple things that fill humans with joy and happiness. And so, the wise man finally became truly happy, having found his key to a harmonious life, which was always right beneath his feet.

Switlana Pidlaska







Create your own life

In a magical city where the sun rose every morning, shining with many colours, there lived a girl named Lana. She was full of dreams and desires, always believing that life could be a real miracle. However, her friends who stayed at home often said: "Why are you taking such risks? Are you really sure that your dreams will come true?"

But Lana could not sit still. She felt that a fire was burning in her heart that demanded action. One day, having collected all her dreams in one backpack, she set off on an unknown journey. "Faith is energy, fuel for miracles," she thought, stepping forward.

On her way, Lana encountered many obstacles, but every time she doubted, new acquaintances and wonderful adventures inspired her. She learned about the magic of self-confidence and the strength that lies in determination. Sometimes, when she felt lonely, the sky always sent her new bright signs, whether it was a rainbow after the rain, or a stranger’s smile.

Meanwhile, her friends watched Lana from a distance. They couldn’t understand why she was leaving the comfort of her life for the unknown. They called her courage irresponsibility, but Lana knew that true happiness always awaits outside ones comfort zone.

When Lana returned home, her eyes were shining with joy and new knowledge. She shared her stories with her friends, telling them how important it is to believe in yourself and your dreams. “Each of us has our own path,” she said, “But sometimes you just have to dare and take a step forward to open new horizons.”

From that moment on, her friends began to reflect on their lives. They began to follow Lana’s example, believing that each of us has the power to create our own lives, that every person is a miracle. And so, in this world full of bright colours, each of them found their own path to happiness.

To be continued for sure…

Switlana Pidlaska




The magic of dawn.


Somewhere out there, at the edge of the world, in the magical, dawn silence, when the ground is covered with frost, the sun gently looks out from behind the horizon, scattering its golden rays.


Somewhere out there in the distance, the fog, like a soft curtain, slowly settles, leaving room for a new day and its mysteries.


This is the moment when the Universe wakes up, inviting us to a new day, rich in opportunities, new ideas, events, undertakings and the fulfilment of dreams.

Be ready for the sunrise.

Switlana Pidlaska.

About hairdressers, coincidences and magic

I wanted to write a fairy tale about a magical hairdresser who creates new looks and makes people happier with her golden hands. I have been living in this small town with wonderful views, lost among the green hills, for 1.5 years now and only now have I come across this unique hair salon.

So I started writing… but then I suddenly remembered a strange coincidence, because sometimes this happens in life. I have never considered myself a writer, more of a storyteller. But, as they say, you are the only one who will lead you...  So here it is.

As a child, I did not like fairy tales, because I became an adult at a very early age, due to not very pleasant life circumstances. But now, as an adult, one day, not so long ago, I woke up and really wanted to start creating fairy tales. It became a real desire.

All those unpleasant events that ever happened to me, even the most difficult ones, often ended like something out of a fairy tale. Now, at this very moment,  I am convinced that my thoughts influenced the development of events in my life. That is where my positive philosophy comes from. Every story ended according to my will, whether it was communication, friendship or some project, important or trivial.

I detected to have an influence on all this without offense and condemnation. Because everything in  life, as in nature, is changeable. But in order to realize all this so easily and simply, very hard work was needed and, above all, a great desire, because without these efforts it won’t really work out. Which is what most people do, they often start working on these items, but usually in the wrong direction. Often unknowingly…

I gained courage and chose myself, and ended up writing my own fairy tale. And each of you can do the same. Perhaps you don’t know about it or have forgotten how to proceed. But here is the trick: it doesn’t matter how much time it will take: it doesn’t depend on the thoughts, desires or reviews of others. Only on yours! Once you’ll understand this, your personal fairy tale will start and grow. And I am sure that it will end beautifully, brightly, with love and gratitude in your heart, regardless of the circumstances, just like it did for me.

I am absolutely sure of this.

So, surround yourself with people who have common values and views. People who go in the same direction as you. Others will distract you from your goal and can also convince you that everything you do is not right. Let them follow their paths. After all, everyone is free to choose a direction.

But your choice will always be right to yourself and your goals as no one else needs them, except you.
I wish you a great journey.

By the way, what do you think of my new look on the picture 😊 ?
Switlana Pidlaska


The Law of Peace.

Lana was famous in her Plant Kingdom because of her wonderful and inspiring stories that gave people joy and inspiration. She knew how to create fairy tales, and how to tell them in a wonderful way. She also knew how to find pleasure in every moment of her life.
One day, after a long day spent walking in the forest, Lana decided that she deserved a small holiday. She cooked herself a delicious dinner, lit candles and turned on her favorite music. At that moment she felt her heart fill with gratitude and joy, and her thoughts became bright and light.
Lana knew that when she enjoys life and every minute of it, she will receive something more from the world. This was a law, the law of Peace, which always worked: the more she gave herself love and attention, the more good things returned to her. Although sometimes some incomprehensible voices whispered to her: "Be quiet, don't tell anyone, don't share, because happiness loves silence."

Those voices talked, chattered, and over time Lana stopped paying attention to them, and sometimes she simply blocked them off with a string of some magic.

One day, however, a traveler knocked on her door. He had brought some wonderful news with him. "I heard about your tales, Lana!", he said, "I came from a distant land to give you this magical chest filled with gold and all kind of precious stones. I'm sure you know how to make it a good deed !"
Lana was amazed. She realized that this was not a coincidence, but a consequence of her ability to enjoy, rejoice and be grateful for everything that is. She decided to use these good things for something that would bring joy not only to her, but also to others.
After a short time of thinking, she organized a feast for the whole kingdom, where everyone could come and enjoy delicious food, funny stories and music. On this day, everyone forgot about their worries and problems, and instead felt the warmth and joy of communicating with each other.
Lana knew that true love for herself lies not only in receiving, but also in the ability to share. And when a woman who loves to enjoy life, shares her happiness with others, she herself becomes even happier. And over time, good news and gifts came to Lana again, because the world loved her for giving love and joy to others.
And so, in the land of fairy tales, Lana was no longer a Storyteller, but also a symbol of love for life, which always returned to her in double. And everyone who heard her stories remembered that true happiness begins with love, acceptance, enjoyment of oneself and life.
Switlana Pidlaska

And remember, dear readers, The fairy tale is not over yet, whoever finished reading it, well done, whoever gave it a positive reply, well done, as it will return to you in a hundredfold!


The healer

In a distant country, where green meadows and dense forests were intertwined with plants and  herbs of all sorts, there lived a girl named Lana. She was a healer and knew all the secrets of nature. Her special gift was the ability to use the magic of herbs to treat all kind of ailments.

One day, a young man came to Lana. He was suffering from a constant headache. He told her that for many months now he had been taking the medicine prescribed by the doctor, but it only made his condition worse. Lana listened and then took him to her estate, where a variety of herbs grew. There in here garden, she carefully collected several magical plants: mint, chamomile, sage and lavender. She prepared some tea from them, explaining how each of these herbs helps relieve inflammation, calms nerves and improves overall health.

The man drank the tea, and after a few hours he felt relief. He was amazed, because his headache disappeared, and he felt more energetic. Lana told him about the importance of listening to your body and trusting nature. She explained that all the chemical medications, have side effects that destroy health. Some of them can even be addictive or lead to serious complications.

Every day, the young man learned more and more about the magic of herbs, and soon he became her disciple. Together they travelled through the forests, collecting herbs and learning about their healing properties. Lana taught him how to create infusions, ointments and teas that helped many people to improve their health.

Over time, they opened their own small clinic, where they treated patients with natural remedies. People from all over the country came to them for help, all the while also learning about the healing properties of herbs. Lana and her student became a symbol of hope for those who were tired of chemical drugs and were looking for natural solutions to improve their health, through the magic of herbs. This shows  that nature is the best doctor, if only we are willing to listen to it and learn to live in harmony with it.

To be continued…

Switlana Pidlaska




Once upon a time we all had a former life on earth as our souls have to keep on learning until they know it all.

In one of these lives, you will start to understand that judging others always leads you to poverty. It is the opposite of Nature; she does not condemn you for not living by her laws, for polluting water and lands or for always complaining about the weather. It always seems too cold, or too hot. Too much rain, not enough water on the dry lands. So if Nature does not complain, why do you?

Once you grab this understanding you will start accepting everyone and everything. On that day, stand still, take a deep breath and watch how your heart will be filled with love and your financial well-being will grow every day.

Our little hero, Lana had also one of these days and she became infinitely grateful to life and Nature. She also thanked the Storyteller for the wisdom that changed her life. She realized that true wealth is not only material gains, but also happiness that comes with acceptance and love. And from now on, she became not only the heroine of her own story, but also an example for others, showing how important it is to live in harmony with the world and people around her.

So Lana, full of love and understanding, continued her journey, giving joy and inspiration to everyone she met. And her heart, filled with light, became a real source of happiness for the entire kingdom. And nobody judged anyone else anymore.

Switlana Pidlaska

























The healer, part II

One day, when Lana was gathering some new herbs in the forest, she came across an old wooden hut, hidden among the trees. The hut looked mysterious, as it was well camouflaged. A soft light shone through the curtains of its small windows. Lana, overcome with curiosity, approached and knocked on the door. An old witch named Melissa, who was famous for her knowledge of magic potions and healing, opened the door nearly immediately.

She invited Lana inside, and the girl was amazed by the atmosphere of peace and harmony that reigned in the hut. The walls were adored with herbs, and the air was filled with the aromas of various elixirs. The witch, smiling, began to tell about her knowledge.

“Many people think that diseases come from outside,” said Melissa, “But in fact, all ailments start in our heads, with our thoughts and feelings. If we live in fear, anxiety or hatred, it will definitely affect our physical health. And there you go, you will feel ill.”

Lana listened carefully as the witch went on: “It is important to work with yourself, to cleanse your thoughts and emotions. Positive guidelines, meditation and self-understanding are the keys to healing. When we fill our minds with light and love, our bodies respond in a kind way. We won’t get sick.”

Melissa taught Lana various techniques that helped eliminate negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones. She taught her how to create mantras that calm the mind and open the heart. Lana felt how changes in her psyche began to have a positive effect on her life and health.

Thanks to the ancient knowledge she received from the witch, Lana began not only to treat people with herbs, but also to teach them how to work on their thoughts and emotions. She realized that real magic lies not only in herbs, but also in the power of consciousness. When people began to change their attitude towards life, their health also improved.

Together with Melissa, they created a small school where they taught people the importance of inner harmony. Lana understood that every illness is not only a physical manifestation, but also a call for self-improvement and growth. And so, with the help of herbal magic and the wisdom of a witch, Lana brought light and hope to many, showing that the path to healing begins with ourselves.

To be continued…

Switlana Pidlaska








Simple Life

It was on a beautiful Wednesday evening. Lana was returning from work in town centre, when she came across an old library, hidden between some brand new skyscrapers. She went inside and immediately felt a coziness, something that she had not felt for a long time. The books stood on the shelves like old friends waiting for her. She took one out at random and started reading.

After that day, Lana began to spend all of her evenings among the pages, exploring new worlds, until she noticed that each story reminded her of the forest, of the plants and trees that had so carefully cared for her.

She started thinking a lot about these memories. So it wasn’t a coincidence when she stumble upon a very old fairy tale about a storyteller who travelled between several worlds. Those journeys lead to the discovery that true happiness does not lie in material possessions, but in the ability to appreciate the simple joys of life.

Once she finished that story, Lana suddenly understood that the old forest, had always been her one and only home; so she decided to go back. Gathering all her strength, she set off on her journey, full of determination. When she found herself among the trees again, her heart was filled with joy. The plants greeted her like an old friend, and she realized that nothing had been lost.

Lana went on building a cozy hut, using modern technologies that she learned about in the city. She installed solar panels for heat and began collecting herbs for magical potions. Every day, she reconnected with the natural world, learning from the plants about their wisdom and power.

Eventually she became a storyteller who knew how to combine modernity with ancient traditions. With her newfound knowledge, Lana began sharing tales of the forest with others who, like her, were seeking happiness amidst the hustle and bustle of city life. She invited them to her home to show them how the world of technology could be combined with nature.

Of course, this was not some new knowledge, but wisdom which was passed down from grandmothers, parents and other generations. If you believe in reincarnation, then this is probably all retrieved from a previous life wherein Lana was a knowledgeable herborist. That would also explain why at the end she did return to the forest.

All said and done,  Lana finally realized that true happiness is not a place, but a state of mind. She became a bridge between two worlds, giving people the opportunity to find harmony and joy in simple things.

And Lana's fairy tale continued, adding new pages to her life every day…

Switlana Pidlaska


3rd modern version of FROZEN: Cold and Mystical

In a modern city where amazing things happened, there lived a girl named Lana. She was an ordinary student, but one day she came across an old book that talked about the Snow Queen: a mysterious creature that could control wintertime. That was very interesting and mysterious, hence when Lana found out that her friend John had disappeared, she felt that it had something to do with that queen.

So she went on a journey to a parallel world where everything was covered with snow and ice. In this world, she met John’s former friends who indeed had become victims of the Snow Queen. Together they decided to find John and free him from the power of the cold mistress.

During their journey, Lana learned how to use magic to fight the cold. She gathered courage and went to the Snow Queen's castle with her friends. Over there, using her strength and faith in friendship, she was able to awaken John, returning his love and warmth.

In the very end, the Snow Queen, seeing the strength of their friendship, realized that true magic is not only cold and power, but also love and support. She decided to leave the world of John and Lana alone, and returned to her kingdom where she could think about new opportunities, somewhere far away.

Switlana Pidlaska



The storyteller, Part 2

Sometimes, in a beautiful place, over a cup of coffee, brilliant ideas can occur. And so the story goes on.

Lana grew up in a dense forests, in a country far away. It always seemed to her that somewhere else there would exist a luxurious and beautiful life. Perhaps in those big cities, with their houses, and splendid noisy trams and buses. Places with great opportunities and prospects, where every road leads to happiness.

So she periodically asked the Queen of Plants: “How do I get out of this forest?”

But the answer was always the same: “What is there in for you? There are no prospects there, it’s a prison, only beautifully decorated. World designers worked on it. So-called ‘Smart heads’ planned everything into the smallest detail. You’ll be walking in a never ending labyrinth. Over there, people are like hamsters in a treadmill: they have a stable and boring life, work, a home and many responsibilities. It seems that they have access to all the benefits of civilization, but they don’t have time to use them. Work absorbs them completely!

And you, you are a happy person, you live in our wonderful kingdom, you breathe fresh air, walk as much as you want and rest whenever you want. You can sit down and watch the sunrises and the sunsets. Here you have complete freedom: today you pick mushrooms, if you want, and berries, tomorrow. It’s a daily magic potion. Look around, how many trees! You can pick and choose wood and build a cozy hut. And here is a stream nearby, and a river, a well. From it you can drink natural water, not chemical stuff, which flows from taps in giant cities.

Oh, and now I have a good idea! There is one thing you can get from the cities. You can go over there to buy solar panels for your house so that you will be warm in the winter. So what do you think of this idea? Are you staying with us, or are you still going to the big city?”

After those speeches, it would have been very sad for Lana to disappoint the entire plant kingdom, which loved her very much and was ready to do everything to make her stay with them.

Nevertheless at the end, she made up her choice and went to a big, bright city, in which she lived and enjoyed herself, filling herself with new stories and "cones". She rejoiced at the benefits and returned to the village and nature only in her thoughts.

Once she got to live in the big city, at first she was amazed by its scale and brightness. The streets were filled with people, the sounds of cars and the hubbub of conversations. But soon she felt that this happiness was not as simple as it seemed and not the one she dreamed of. She began to notice how quickly time flies, how she didn’t have the opportunity anymore to stop and simply enjoy the moments.

So little by little, in the evenings, returning home from work she started to remember about life in the forest,  about peace, about how one could simply live and enjoy and admire nature.

Whoever finished reading, well done, but the fairy tale is not over yet.
To be continued.

Switlana Pidlaska